Ethos and Values

At Impington Village College, we endeavour to imbue a strong community ethos and are committed to the wider community in which we live and work. We expect everyone in the College to aspire to be the best they can be, to promote global citizenship, and to strive to be caring and well-rounded individuals.

Vision Statement

Impington Village College is an outstanding and innovative learning community that is truly inclusive, inspirational and international. We support our students in becoming globally-minded, critical thinking and caring individuals, who are ready for a world post-education.

Mission Statement

  • Inclusive: a welcoming place that celebrates difference and diversity.
  • Inspirational: providing a unique experience and a world-class education for all.
  • International: promoting positive values to secure a better future for our students as both local and global citizens.

International Baccalaureate Values

Impington Village College is proud to be an IB World School since 1991. From September 2021, we will be the only UK state school to offer the Middle Years Programme, the Diploma Programme and the Career-related Programme. The IB curriculum focuses on creating a balance between academic excellence and a well-rounded, values-driven education. As a school, we uphold the following IB values by:

  • valuing inquiry and reflection, encouraging our students to be open minded in their learning;
  • being principled and encouraging a caring attitude;
  • promoting high quality communication and discussions within our community;
  • encouraging international-mindedness and building respectful relationships.

International Baccalaureate Learner Profile

The IB learner profile describes a broad range of human attributes that go beyond academic success. The learner profile implies a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them. Through our broad and unique curriculum, extra-curricular activities and excellent pastoral care, we help students to develop the following attributes:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective

SMSC and British Values

Impington Village College is a non-faith and strongly inclusive community, which welcomes all individuals and strives for success for everyone. We believe that teaching is about developing the whole child and not just a set of academic outcomes. For this reason, education at Impington Village College allows everyone to experience spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning (SMSC). The SMSC values are an essential part of everything that takes place during the College day and can be defined in a number of distinct areas:

  • The assembly and tutor time programme
  • Our vision for learning: The Impington Experience
  • Taught lessons in individuals and societies and approaches to learning
  • Extra-curricular opportunities, trips and iCAS
  • Annual celebration events such as the Achievement Evening and the Personal Project exhibition

Our teaching encourages students to be fascinated about the diversity of the world around them, and to be passionate and curious to find out more. This is essential in holistic education, which includes inspiration, imagination and creativity. We want students to be reflective about their personal beliefs and understand how the beliefs of others might affect their own outlook. Through this, we look to develop our students’ knowledge of, and respect for, religious and moral traditions.

We teach our students to respect themselves and others. We impose firm boundaries that have consequences if and when they are overstepped. Lessons frequently address moral issues and encourage students to engage in debate, while developing the rationale for their own opinions. House activities encourage charity work and weekly enrichment lessons (iCAS) give specific opportunities for students to explore moral issues through community service.

We are a diverse but cohesive community, where students understand and demonstrate the values of the British society and we encourage a focus on international-mindedness. Our cultural education celebrates the variety of backgrounds represented in our school population and pastoral work in tutor time often includes learning about different languages and cultural festivals as a starting point to recognise and celebrate our diversity.


The wellbeing of our students is one of our core priorities at Impington Village College. Each student is treated as an individual and is offered both respect and guidance if they approach a member of staff about an issue or problem that they are facing. Visit our wellbeing page for more information.

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