Target Setting and Reporting

Years 7-9

For information about the MYP Curriculum please visit our MYP page here.

During the transition days in the summer term before students start at IVC they will sit CAT4 assessments. CAT4 are cognitive ability tests used by schools to supplement KS2 data and will support us to set accurate and challenging MYP targets for students.

The CAT4 assessments assess students in 4 areas:

  • verbal reasoning (thinking with words)
  • quantitative reasoning (thinking with numbers)
  • non-verbal reasoning (thinking with shapes)
  • spatial reasoning (thinking with shape and space).

While students move through the MYP parents/carers will receive data about their progress at least once per year. This will be in the form of a progress report, which will be uploaded onto EduLink and will contain achievement data and ATL grade.
The target grades are not fixed and if students perform well, teachers can move them up to a higher target grade. Throughout their time at the College support will be put in place to ensure that students are able to reach their estimated target grade.

Students will be issued with numerical GCSE target grades at the start of Year 10. The image below highlights the likely GCSE targets associated with each MYP grade.


MYP Grade Mapping

Years 10 & 11

As students move through their GCSE courses, parents will receive information on their progress once per term. This will be in the form of a progress check, which will be uploaded onto EduLink.

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