Hear from the Principal

September 27, 2024

It has been another busy week, with lots going on both inside and outside of College. 

Mathematical Olympiad for Girls 

On Wednesday our year 11 and sixth form girls have participated in the Maths Olympiad for Girls. This notoriously difficult challenge consists of five very tricky problems, designed to test our most able mathematicians. We have a strong history of success in the Olympiad, and look forward to finding out how the students have got on. 

Bikes wanted! 

Dr Nichols, who is leading our new bike maintenance iCAS experience, has asked for donations of old, broken bikes that are no longer wanted, that our students could use to develop their skills on. If you have any bikes that could fit this description, please contact the office. Watch this space for opportunities to have your bike fixed by our students, as their skills develop! 

New trainee teachers 

This week we welcomed our new trainees to Impington to begin their induction programme. I had the pleasure of meeting them all this morning after their first week here, and being grilled on what it is like to be a Headteacher, as well as questions about the workings and ethos of the College. It is always important to us to welcome excellent trainees and be a part of their early careers; we have a long history of supporting, recruiting and retaining early career teachers who go on to middle and senior leadership roles in the College.  

Staff CPD: Bringing Joy to the Curriculum 

On Wednesday evening our teaching staff took part in the second of six instalments of their whole-College professional development series with the title ‘Bringing Joy to the Curriculum’. There was a buzz around the site whilst staff worked across faculties to dig deeper into topics such as ‘Critical Thinking and autonomy’, ‘Student Engagement’ and ‘Facilitation of Discussion’. These sessions were facilitated by members of our Teaching and Learning Forum who brought a blend of research and practical suggestions to the table which were then analysed and discussed with teachers taking away new ideas and strategies to try in the classroom. They will feed back on their successes and challenges in our next session in November. 

Impington Music Society: Concert 

Tonight is the first Impington Music Society Concert of the academic year, and we are delighted that a host of IVC musicians will be featuring in the concert in both group and solo performances. It promises to be a fantastic evening and a great start to our musical calendar. Look out for some pictures on our social media channels!  

Final Reminder: Open Evenings 

A final reminder to parents/carers with children in either year 6 or year 11, that our Open Evenings are happening on 22 October (year 6) and 23 October (year 12), and spaces can be booked via our website.  

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