ESOL – Academic writing 1


  • Start Date: Tuesday 17 September 2024
  • Date & Time: Tuesdays 7:30pm – 8:45pm
  • Venue: Impington Village College, New Road, CB24 9LX
  • Tutor: Antonietta specialises in adult education and has taught languages at all levels in post-16 education for thirteen years. A linguist by passion, training and trade, she has spent her life across Italy, China and the UK working as a language teacher, translator and interpreter. Antonietta holds an integrated BA+MA in Translation and conference interpreting with Italian, English and Mandarin Chinese, and is a certified teacher of Italian as an additional language.
  • Course Level: Advanced (C1) – Prerequisites: having already studied English at upper-intermediate level (B2 or IELTS 6.5
  • Weeks: 10
  • Terms: 1
  • Fee per term: £60
  • Additional Course Costs: Learning material will be provided (some on paper, other in electronic format), so there are
    no additional costs.

Course Description

This advanced ESOL course provides the knowledge and practice that are necessary to start developing one’s academic writing skills. Students develop paragraphs through multiple drafts, become aware of persistent language issues, and are able to assess their own learning through regular progress checks

Aims and Objectives

  • This ESOL course aims at preparing students for academic writing.

Progression – what next? 

  • By the end of this course, learners will be equipped to continue studying ESOL Academic
    Writing at level 2.

How progress and success will be recorded

The course is based on closely guiding and supporting students, both in class and at home, to help them make the most of their learning. Students will engage in class activities based on self-assessment and peer-assessment, while those willing to submit their homework will be offered teacher written feedback as well.

Materials / Equipment required for First Class

  • Learners are advised to bring a notebook and pens/pencils.

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