Hedge Planting Family Event on Sunday 1st December at Long Meadow, Histon Histon & Impington Green Spaces Charity (www.higreenspaces.org) is reinvigorating the Park Lane hedge at Long Meadow. We want to make a more wildlife friendly hedge – thick, and full of flowers, seeds and berries in season. This event is the start of that process.
We are finally ready for some planting! Our small bare root plants (“whips”) will be delivered soon, and we are looking for families to come and help us plant up the first section of the hedge.
Come and join us to help with the planting any time between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. Tools will be provided but please make sure that you come dressed for the weather with sturdy shoes and gloves.
It’s not just planting! We will also have fun and creative activities as we find out about the native hedge species chosen for planting, and the animals that will benefit from their presence, in our restored hedge.
The event will be FREE and hot drinks will be provided.
So please drop in and enjoy the fun!