Hear from the Principal

June 7, 2024

I do hope that you and your children had a fantastic and restful break. Our students have slotted back into College life seamlessly following the break. I’m pleased to report recent student successes and share details of exciting international trips with you below.

A picture perfect success story

I am regularly in awe of the talents of our Sixth Form Art students and I’m pleased to share that some of their artwork has recently been celebrated at the Arts Society Cambridge Sixth Form Art Competition. Student, Ethan P., won the prestigious ‘Best in Show’ with his piece titled ‘Cityscape’, and Tali S. was highly commended for her self-portrait. Their pieces were selected by the judging panel because of their high technical standard and their ability to slow the viewers eye to encourage deeper engagement and appreciation of the details, textures and nuances of the artwork. Congratulations to them both.

If you would like to view their artworks in person, this week, they are being displayed at the Michaelhouse Café at St Michael’s Church on Trinity Street. Keep your eyes on our Sixth Form’s Instagram page for previews too.

Students shine at Speak Out competition

The student successes continued at Anglia Ruskin University’s recent Speak Out semi-finals. The competition challenged over 900 Year 10 students from across Cambridgeshire to test their public speaking skills and students Yuki I. and Izzy B. were crowned as reserve and winner of the semi-finals! Izzy will now progress through to the final where she will be one of just 18 students who will pit there skills against others in a bid to win the title. Congratulations to Izzy and Yuki – I will be sure to provide you with an update following the final on 25 June.

From Impington to Africa

Further afield, during the break, a cohort of our students travelled to Botswana to enhance their international learning experience and learn about the country’s rich culture. They lived and worked alongside students from our partner school, Marulamantsi Junior Secondary School, and visited the capital city of Gaborone. A highlight of the trip was learning about important work that rangers are doing to prevent poaching in the region at Mokolodi Nature Reserve, where the students were able to get up close with some impressive African wildlife. Do take a look at the College Instagram page for photo highlights from the trip.

A European sporting adventure

Continuing the international theme, our Year 9 and 10 Sports students travelled to Malta to participate in our 2024 Sports Tour. Across a packed five-day schedule, they enjoyed a series of professional training sessions and competitive fixtures against teams from the island. During their down time, they also enjoyed excursions to water parks, the historic city of Valetta, and the stunning Blue Lagoon. The students found the trip enriching, inspiring and educational, and I look forward to seeing the impact of the trip on their future sporting activities once they return to the College next week.

French language on display at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Closer to home, but equally as enjoyable, today, our Year 9 French students visited the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge to participate in a French language workshop. Our College was one of just four others chosen by The Faculty of Education at the University of Cambridge to take part in the workshop. During the day, our students were able to use their language learning skills and apply them to a real world context by working across the galleries to analyse and learn about French art and history. I’m told the trip was hugely rewarding for the students and I’d like to thank them for completing the experience in a mature manner and being positive role models for the College. 

Student elections – congratulations to our new student union representatives

In the last blog, I shared details of the recent Impington Student Union (iSU) election. The election saw eight remarkable Year 10 candidates vying for positions and each demonstrated commendable dedication and commitment throughout their campaigns. They held a series of hustings events in the run up to the election, before our students headed to the polls on Friday 24 May. The candidates have now been selected to champion the students’ voice at the College and I look forward to seeing the positive changes the newly elected iSU will bring to the college community.

Volunteers’ Week 2024

Finally, this week is Volunteers’ Week 2024, which is a fantastic opportunity to reflect upon the importance of volunteering and celebrating some of the incredible initiatives that our students have participated in. Each of our International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes includes an element of service, which allows students to support projects that they are passionate about during the College day. This helps them to develop into individuals who have an inherent desire to support causes beyond their own individual needs. Students support with archaeological digs and conservation works in and around Impington. Others regularly donate their time to support at local nursing homes and at Cambridgeshire’s first special free school provision for young people with autism, The Cavendish School. Further afield, students help to improve the learning experience of students from Botswana, Peru, Ethiopia and beyond, through fundraising and on the ground volunteering work. Congratulations to them all and thank you to them for committing to making the world a better place.

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