1:1 Device Scheme

We are excited to be able to share with you the details of the first phase of the rollout of 1:1 devices at IVC. The use of 1:1 devices is well-established across our Trust, and is working well in a number of other local schools. Following a pilot programme and extensive research, combined with the current climate and heightened emphasis on home learning, we feel that the coming months are the right time to begin introducing 1:1 devices for our students. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a series of frequently asked questions about the 1:1 device scheme. If you have any further questions that have not been answered, please direct them to  in the first instance.

Why introduce 1:1 devices?

At Impington Village College we are committed to giving every student the best educational experience. There is no doubt that digital technology will continue to transform all aspects of our lives, and that it will form a crucial part of any workplace. We have a responsibility to our pupils to equip them with the skills necessary to succeed in that environment: to be independent learners, to be digitally literate, to be able to solve problems and collaborate with each other.
We believe that technology can play a pivotal role in the classroom, greatly enhancing the learning opportunities available to our students. This has certainly become increasingly apparent throughout the last two years, in which independent learning and the use of technology have significantly changed our approaches.

What will the benefits of 1:1 devices be?

The use of 1:1 devices has the potential to: provide opportunities to enhance pupils’ overall learning experience; give access to learning anywhere, anytime – both in classrooms and at home; narrow the digital divide between pupils; encourage pupils to become more independent in their learning; personalise learning to suit individual pupils and provide opportunities to create and share work.

Some of the key differences between a 1:1 device classroom and an ordinary classroom include:

Without a 1:1 deviceWith a 1:1 device
All students complete a retrieval practice starter with a set of quiz questions, that are self-marked as the teacher goes through the answers.All students complete an online retrieval quiz that gives instant feedback to both them and the teacher. The teacher can use this feedback to tailor the lesson.
Students share a textbook to research information to answer questions.Each student can source information accessible to them and use different sources to broaden their reading.
Each student writes their own mind map to use as a structure for an essay questionEach student can create their own online mind map and share instantly with the rest of the group to learn collaboratively, and teachers can monitor these in real-time to give instant feedback and tackle any misconceptions
Each student relies on memory or pages in the shared textbook for information or definitions of keywordsEach student has their own personalised resource bank to use to create their own piece of work
Each student uses EduLink or Microsoft Teams on another device to access work setHomework is set by the teacher and added to each student’s calendar on Microsoft Teams which will contain all the information, resources and reminders to complete
All students watch a video clip on the big screen at the front of the class at the same time.Each student watches the video on their own Chromebook. They can pause, rewind, replay as much as they need to or access alternative videos appropriate to their level of understanding.

Why have you chosen a Chromebook and not an iPad?

We have spent over twelve months researching and trialling different devices to best meet our students’ needs, and are currently running a pilot scheme with one year 7 teaching group. We have chosen the Lenovo Chromebook because we believe it balances the features of a tablet and laptop. The Chromebook has a camera, touchscreen and proper keyboard, and will be set up to have a set of pre-loaded apps, as well as access to a curated Google Play Store for students. It is a very durable, low-cost option with a long battery life.

How frequently will the Chromebooks be used in lessons?

This will vary from lesson to lesson, depending on the nature of the topic and work to be completed. In some lessons Chromebooks may be used extensively, but in other lessons their use may not be relevant or appropriate. Likewise, some lessons may use the Chromebook for a brief starter, or at the end for a plenary, for assessment purposes. Chromebooks will not replace good teaching or the typical methods of delivery; they will be used to broaden the range of effective learning and teaching strategies in the classroom.

What training will staff receive on supporting learning using Chromebooks?

We have already invested heavily in training groups of staff in teaching and learning strategies using Chromebooks. We are running a series of whole-staff and faculty training events to prepare for the launch of the programme, and utilising the expertise of those who have been participating in the pilot. We are also lucky to be able to benefit from support across the Trust, where 1:1 devices are already embedded.

Will my child still have opportunities to write, sketch and focus on face to face communication?

As excited as we are about the opportunities that Chromebooks offer, we are also keen to ensure that other important skills such as writing, sketching and group discussions continue. The role of Chromebooks is to enhance and extend learning opportunities rather than replace those currently being used successfully.

We will continue to educate the pupils to think about the quality of their screen time. It is vital that our students learn positive digital behaviours, and we have always believed that schools are well placed to develop these.
Chromebooks will definitely not be used all lesson, every lesson, and instead will form part of a wider toolkit that teachers can access to support learning.

Will using a Chromebook replace exercise books and traditional notetaking?

Definitely not! Pupils will still be expected to handwrite work in most subjects and will continue to use their exercise and assessment books.

However, there are many advantages to word processing some work on the Chromebook using an app such as Word. Pupils can spell-check their work, look up definitions, add electronic notes and can also collaborate/work as a group using different whiteboard apps. These can also be checked by the teacher immediately, to tackle any misconceptions. However, there is an argument, in terms of sustainability, that work stored electronically would reduce paper wastage. Moving forward, teachers will be able to share all resources electronically, rather than relying on copies of textbooks or handouts. This also means that students will be able to access resources whenever they need them, find them easily, and not rely on paper copies.

Will my son/daughter be able to access their school work from home?

Pupils will have access to their Office 365 account where work saved on College computers can be accessed on the Chromebook. This access is cross-platform, enabling pupils to access saved work using PCs, Chromebooks and other devices. One of the key benefits of having the 1:1 device is being able to access all apps and College work from home.

How will the Chromebook affect homework?

It will be an invaluable tool to support home learning, giving quick and easy access to a variety of apps and internet resources. Homework will continue to be set electronically, and all lesson resources (and those for home learning) will be accessible to students via MS Teams.

Exams still take place on paper, will the Chromebooks affect this?

As with the majority of written work, practice exams and essays will still be handwritten. We do not believe that using Chromebooks some of the time in lessons will negatively impact on students, conversely we are confident that it will further enhance students’ experience and also provide access to a far wider range of resources. We also believe that the instant feedback that retrieval quizzes can provide to students and staff will enhance students’ recall and allow staff to tailor their lessons more effectively.

Students will not be allowed to use a word processor for assessed tasks (or exams) unless they meet the criteria for our Word Processor policy. This states that students must use a word processor for their normal way of working, and must also have a specific need or impairment.

How will you measure the impact of Chromebooks on learning and outcomes?

We are rigorous in our approaches to assessment across the College in all year groups and subjects. We expect that using Chromebooks will contribute towards continued improvements in student outcomes, but this will be difficult to separate from the other systems and approaches in place.
Feedback will be gathered during our current school self-evaluation cycle, which include regular lesson observations, learning walks, work scrutiny and pupil voice surveys, as well as surveys of parents and staff.

How will the rollout work?

To ensure that we are able to implement the programme effectively, we will phase the introduction of 1:1 devices across year groups. Students joining us in year 7 in September will get their Chromebooks after October half term, so that they have time to settle into College routines before the devices are introduced. Current year 7 students (year 8 in 2022-23) will get their devices in January 2023, and we will be launching them for other year groups at intervals between January 2023 and 2024.

What happens if the device gets damaged or stolen?

The warranty and insurance is unique to this scheme and offers a number of key features, including accidental damage cover. We will manage all claims within the College so you will not need to make a claim. Please note that the insurance does not cover accidental loss; for example, if your son/daughter leaves their Chromebook on the bus, this would not be covered under the terms of the insurance policy.
It is expected that your son/daughter will look after their device, ensuring that it is transported carefully to and from College. Claims for theft will require a police crime number in order for us to be able to replace the device.
If the device is damaged or stolen then we will replace it using a pool device, to ensure that students are not disadvantaged.

Will the Wi-Fi be able to cope with all these devices online at once?

Yes. The College is upgrading its wireless network to provide full wireless coverage across the site to cope with the anticipated demand. The phased rollout will also allow us to closely monitor the network as more devices are introduced.

How will the Chromebooks be identifiable- won’t they get mixed up?

Each Chromebook will be asset tagged and the owner will be easily identifiable from the lock screens and backgrounds.

Will I need to contribute to the cost?

We are committed to investing in this scheme but we cannot meet the costs ourselves. Therefore, we will ask for your support by making a contribution of £10 per month for the use of the Chromebook while your child is at the College, commencing one month before the Chromebooks are distributed.

This contribution also includes a full warranty, insurance and high quality web filtering so you can feel secure and safe wherever you are when your child uses the device. The Chromebook will be fully equipped with all of the apps that are needed so you can be confident that they are able to work online safely in lessons and when at home.
If, at any point, the Chromebook is accidentally damaged or ceases to work, there will be an instant replacement. If the Chromebook malfunctions, it will be repaired. Students will then return the Chromebook when they leave. For the scheme to work, we need to work together to generate enough funding to provide for all, or we cannot run the programme.
The College proposes to invest in a reliable and high-spec Wi-Fi system and to provide every child with a Chromebook for the duration of their time with us.

Why is my contribution important?

The College receives some funding for ICT, and this gets spent on our network, website, ICT suite, Smart Boards, printers, etc.

Equipment for use at home and for personal use by your children is over and above this, which is why we have to ask families to help the College. We will make no profit from the 1:1 device programme.

What happens if I can’t make the regular contributions?

No pupil will be excluded from the scheme because of their financial situation. The College has been able to secure funding to allow us to offer financial assistance to families who are experiencing financial difficulties, and we will use some of our pupil premium funding to support eligible students. If you think your son/daughter may be eligible, or you are likely to experience financial difficulty making a contribution please contact us to discuss further. The College has also tried to ensure the scheme is as cheap as possible and will continue to look at other possible solutions, including accessing additional funding, to ensure the benefits of the scheme are open to all.

How much do we need to contribute?

We ask that you make a contribution of £10 per month as described above. In return your child will receive a new Chromebook plus charger cable, full insurance against damage and theft, all software and applications needed and technical support during College hours.

Why is a school Chromebook better than my child bringing or using their own device?

The 1:1 scheme we are providing will involve a device that is fully insured and with a warranty. If it was to break or be lost, then we would replace it immediately and without cost. It will have all the educational software that your son/daughter will need, and we will provide technical support during College hours should any issues arise.
Using 1:1 devices across a classroom, with equal access among all students and the teacher, will allow for far more effective use than students having unequitable access, or bringing in their own devices. It means that lessons using the Chromebooks can be planned for all students to access based on the same apps.

Ultimately, the donation to the 1:1 device scheme should be viewed as a contribution to the use of the Chromebook, all of its software and the filtering/security, as well as the insurance against damage or technical failure. It should not be viewed as a lease or staggered purchase of a device, as the scheme offers much more than this.

Who owns the devices?

The devices are the property of the College and will remain the property of the College throughout the scheme. If your son/daughter leaves the College, you will be required to return the Chromebook, any chargers and accessories to the College.

Will I be able to purchase the Chromebook when my child leaves?

At the present time, we plan to retain the Chromebooks and refresh them as part of a rolling programme. The device will remain the property of the College, and students will be given a new one as required. There may be the opportunity to buy a device in the future, and details will be shared if this option becomes available.

Will Chromebooks become a distraction in class?

We will continue to expect very high standards of behaviour in lessons, and will continue to follow our established behaviour policy. When the Chromebooks are not in use, they will be left face down on the table and in view of the teacher, so that they are not a distraction. As they are embedded and become a part of the everyday lesson experience, we expect them to become part of the normal established lesson routines.
Teachers will continue to set engaging and challenging work that should ensure that students are focused on their learning, in the same way they are currently. Anecdotal feedback from the pilot has shown that the students have engaged very well, and have relished the creativity and independence that the Chromebooks give them. Teachers will also be able to use a range of apps to view student work, allowing for instant feedback and a chance to quickly monitor students’ progress in the lesson. If students are off task, they will be refocused in line with our behaviour policy.

What happens if a pupil forgets their Chromebook?

If a pupil forgets their Chromebook, where possible, they will be issued with a spare which they can use for the duration of the College day, when they need to return it to the IT team. They need to ensure that any work they need to keep has been saved to their OneDrive account. Once the Chromebook has been returned, it will be wiped to ensure it is ready for the next pupil to use it. If the student fails to bring their Chromebook on a number of occasions, this will be followed up in line with the behaviour policy.

What happens if a pupil forgets to charge their Chromebook?

It is expected that pupils ensure their Chromebook is fully charged at the beginning of each College day so that it is ready for use. There will be some limited capacity to charge the device at lunchtime, but students will not be able to charge them in lesson time.

Will my child be able to use their Chromebook at home?

Absolutely. The ability to use a device for College work at home is a core part of the rationale for the scheme. Students will have full access to their homework, Office 365 accounts and all online resources when they are not in College. They will also need to ensure it is fully charged each day before they come into College.

What do I need to provide at home?

All you are required to provide is a suitable school bag for the Chromebook to be stored in. Many apps and features of the Chromebook work without Wi-Fi, so this is not essential. Having Wi-Fi at home, however, will give access to additional features online, including Office 365 and other apps. Low-income families, and those students eligible for pupil premium, may be able to access support with Wi-Fi connections. Please contact us if you believe you may be eligible.

Will my child be able to install their own apps?

Initially only apps approved and provided by the College can be used on the Chromebook; however, this is something we may reconsider in the future as their usage grows. Each device will have a specially curated Google Play Store, as well as a set of pushed apps for students to use.

Will my child need to bring their Chromebook home every night?

Yes. They will need to take it home to make sure it is charged ready for the next day. It is also very likely they will have homework to complete that will require access to the Chromebook.

What provision will be made to support parents/carers and pupils in learning how to use their Chromebook?

We know that it is very important that both students and their parents feel confident with the new devices. All students will receive a full induction when they are given their Chromebook, and there will be regular drop-ins in College for support.

As part of the launch we will also be hosting a number of training sessions for parents, as well as producing a range of support videos and documents. These will include: an introduction to Office 365, how to use Chromebooks creatively, how to view homework, how to set up safety features, and e-safety.

I don’t allow electronic devices at home, what can I do?

We are fully aware that for some households we are adding something to the home which you do not currently allow or support. To support this, we can work in partnership and offer a tiered approach where we can for example: talk to the child about home use in your family; offer different levels of filters; restrict access to Apps; restrict the hours the device can connect to the Internet; keep the Chromebook at College. We would, however, encourage you to work with us to support your child in developing their digital literacy and understanding how to use the Chromebook responsibly.

How will you make sure that pupils are safe?

We have a well-established Acceptable Use Policy to make sure that students adopt a safe and sensible approach to using College devices. Students are taught about this via assemblies, the pastoral curriculum sessions and their Computing lessons, to make sure they understand how devices should be used.

All internet traffic will be subject to an industry leading global filtering service for safety, which includes time away from College, it is the joint responsibility of parents and College to ensure good digital citizenship and behaviour standards.

The device management system we use will provide College-curated selection of Apps and will prevent pupils from installing any apps from the Google Play Store that are not on the pre-approved list.

What if my child already has a different device in school, provided by the local authority due to their SEND needs?

Where a student has specific needs and has had an ICT assessment by the local authority and appropriate equipment provided, we would expect them to continue to use their own equipment. This is because that equipment has been carefully selected to take into account their accessibility needs. However, if you would like to discuss this, please get in touch with a member of the SEND team.

What if my child has a specific accessibility need which makes these devices inappropriate?

These devices have been chosen after extensive research, to best meet the needs of most children (long battery life, robust etc). We are very excited to explore the possibilities that technology provides in meeting the needs of all learners, for example through apps and software such as the Read&Write chrome extension, which included speech-to-text, and text-to-speech capabilities. However if your child has a specific accessibility need you would like to discuss please get in touch with a member of the SEND team.

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